Healing Properties - Contains trace elements - Massages and stimulates blood flow - Relieves fatigue, promotes relaxation - Ideal callus remover - Remove dead skin for healthy feet - With daily use, your skin will become baby smooth - Soft, silky skin like after SPA treatments
The Gift of Health - Pumic stone is the perfect gift for your loved ones. It is the most natural method of softening rough skin. Treat your friends and family to the gift of youthful, healthy skin
Pumice Stones are an effective tool for rejuvenating and cleansing the skin of the hands, feet, elbows, and heels, and for removing calluses and corns, hard, dry, rough and dead skin
Pumice valley natural foot stones are sourced from volcanic lava rock, their distinctiveness in texture is a testament to its authenticity. Please, rinse your pumice before use to ensure cleanliness and reveal its true color.
Flawless Design and Dimensions - Simple and comfortable to grip - Organic hanging cord that retains its form effectively even when wet